7 Best Free Debt Snowball Spreadsheets for 2023

debt snowball spreadsheet

Debt can be a significant financial burden, causing stress and impacting your financial goals. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help you pay off your debts systematically, and one such method is the debt snowball approach. A debt snowball spreadsheet can be an invaluable tool in this process, as it allows you to organize and track your debts, making it easier to create a plan for repayment. In this article, we will explore the seven best free debt snowball spreadsheet for 2023, which will aid you in managing your debts effectively and achieving financial freedom.

What is the Debt Snowball Method?

Before diving into the best debt snowball spreadsheets, let’s understand the debt snowball method itself. The debt snowball is a popular debt reduction strategy that involves paying off debts in a specific order to gain momentum and motivation as you progress. Here’s how it works:

  1. List Your Debts: Start by listing all your debts, including credit cards, loans, and other outstanding balances. Organize them from the smallest balance to the largest.
  2. Minimum Payments: Continue making minimum payments on all debts to avoid penalties and late fees.
  3. Extra Payments: Allocate any additional funds you have towards the debt with the smallest balance. This is where the snowball effect comes into play.
  4. Snowball Effect: As you pay off the smallest debt, the freed-up funds are rolled into paying off the next smallest debt. This creates a snowball effect, as the amount you can put towards each debt increases over time.
  5. Repeat the Process: Keep repeating this process until all your debts are paid off.

Benefits of Using Debt Snowball Spreadsheets

Using a debt snowball spreadsheet offers several advantages when it comes to managing your debts effectively:

1. Organization and Visibility

A debt snowball spreadsheet allows you to organize all your debts in one place and provides a clear view of your outstanding balances, interest rates, and monthly payments. This visibility helps you stay on top of your debt repayment journey.

2. Customization

Many debt snowball spreadsheets can be customized to fit your specific financial situation. You can add or remove debts, adjust interest rates, and experiment with different payment scenarios to find the most suitable plan for your needs.

3. Motivation and Progress Tracking

Seeing your debts gradually decrease as you make extra payments can be highly motivating. Debt snowball spreadsheets often include progress-tracking features, such as debt payoff dates and visual graphs, to keep you motivated and accountable.

The 7 Best Free Debt Snowball Spreadsheets for 2023

Now that we understand the debt snowball method and the benefits of using a debt snowball spreadsheet, let’s explore the top seven free spreadsheets available for 2023:

1. Vertex42 Debt Reduction Calculator

The Vertex42 Debt Reduction Calculator is a popular and comprehensive spreadsheet that allows you to enter up to 10 different debts and track your progress as you pay them off. It provides a visual breakdown of your debts and lets you experiment with various payment strategies.

2. Google Sheets Debt Snowball Spreadsheet

For those who prefer a cloud-based solution, the Google Sheets Debt Snowball Spreadsheet is an excellent option. You can access it from any device with an internet connection, making it convenient for on-the-go debt management.

3. Microsoft Excel Debt Snowball Spreadsheet

If you prefer using Microsoft Excel, you can find various debt snowball templates online that are compatible with Excel. These templates often come with pre-built formulas and graphs for easy tracking.

4. Debt Reduction Snowball Calculator by Credit.org

Credit.org offers a user-friendly Debt Reduction Snowball Calculator that allows you to create a debt payoff plan tailored to your financial situation. It also provides educational resources on debt management.

5. Spreadsheet123 Debt Reduction Snowball Calculator

Spreadsheet123 offers a free Debt Reduction Snowball Calculator that is simple to use and can accommodate up to 20 different debts. It provides a clear overview of your progress and includes payment reminders.

6. Debt Payoff Planner and Tracker by Money Under 30

Money Under 30 offers a comprehensive Debt Payoff Planner and Tracker that allows you to set financial goals, track your spending, and plan your debt repayment journey effectively.

7. ZilchWorks Debt Reduction Software

ZilchWorks offers free debt reduction software that enables you to create personalized debt repayment plans and explore different strategies, such as the debt snowball and debt avalanche methods.


Utilizing a debt snowball spreadsheet can be a powerful tool in managing and paying off your debts efficiently. These seven best free debt snowball spreadsheets for 2023 offer various features, customization options, and progress-tracking capabilities to help you stay on top of your debt repayment journey. Remember that the debt snowball method requires discipline and consistency, but with the right tools and determination, you can make significant progress towards achieving financial freedom and becoming debt-free.

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