The Australia Post Will Kit is Dead!

will kit australia post

Estate planning is a crucial aspect of securing your assets and ensuring your loved ones are taken care of when you’re no longer around. In the past, many individuals turned to DIY will kits, including the Will Kit Australia Post , as a cost-effective solution for creating their wills. However, recent changes and complexities in estate planning laws have rendered these DIY kits inadequate and risky. In this article, we will explore why the Australia Post Will Kit may no longer be a suitable option and why seeking professional estate planning services is essential for protecting your legacy.

The Pitfalls of the Australia Post Will Kit

1.1 Lack of Customization: The Australia Post Will Kit and other DIY will kits offer generic templates that may not cater to the specific needs and complexities of your estate. Every individual’s situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may result in unintended consequences.

1.2 Legal Complexity: Estate planning laws in Australia are continuously evolving, and DIY will kits may not keep up with these changes. As a result, using outdated or inaccurate information could lead to errors in the will, making it invalid or causing disputes among beneficiaries.

1.3 Limited Guidance: DIY will kits typically provide limited guidance, leaving individuals without proper legal advice. Estate planning involves various legal considerations, including tax implications and asset protection, which may not be adequately addressed in DIY kits.

The Importance of Professional Estate Planning Services

2.1 Personalized Approach: Professional estate planning services offer a personalized approach, taking into account your unique circumstances, family dynamics, and specific wishes. Estate planning lawyers can tailor your will to ensure it aligns with your intentions and addresses any potential complexities.

2.2 Expert Legal Advice: Estate planning lawyers are well-versed in the intricacies of estate law and tax regulations. They can provide expert advice on minimizing tax liabilities, protecting assets, and creating trusts for beneficiaries with special needs.

2.3 Comprehensive Solutions: Beyond drafting a will, estate planning lawyers can offer comprehensive solutions, including establishing living trusts, powers of attorney, and advanced healthcare directives. These additional measures provide added protection and control over your affairs during your lifetime.

Benefits of Professional Estate Planning

3.1 Minimizing Disputes: A professionally drafted will leaves little room for interpretation, reducing the likelihood of disputes and legal challenges among family members after your passing.

3.2 Ensuring Validity: Estate planning lawyers understand the formalities required to create a valid will under Australian law. They can ensure that your will meets all legal requirements, avoiding potential complications in the future.

3.3 Protecting Your Loved Ones: A well-crafted estate plan not only safeguards your assets but also ensures your loved ones are adequately provided for in your absence. Estate planning professionals can help you create trusts or provisions for minor children, elderly family members, or disabled beneficiaries.

How to Choose an Estate Planning Lawyer

4.1 Experience and Expertise: Look for an estate planning lawyer with substantial experience and expertise in the field. Check their credentials, testimonials, and client reviews to gauge their reputation.

4.2 Transparent Fees: Discuss the lawyer’s fees upfront to avoid any surprises. Choose a professional who provides transparent and reasonable fee structures for their services.

4.3 Communication and Availability: Effective communication is essential in estate planning. Choose a lawyer who is responsive to your queries and available to provide ongoing support as your circumstances evolve.


While the Australia Post Will Kit may have been a popular choice in the past, its limitations and potential risks make it unsuitable for modern estate planning needs. Professional estate planning services offer a comprehensive and personalized approach, ensuring your wishes are accurately reflected and legally binding. By seeking the guidance of an experienced estate planning lawyer, you can protect your legacy, minimize disputes, and secure the future of your loved ones with confidence and peace of mind. Remember, estate planning is a critical step in securing your assets, and investing in professional advice is an invaluable investment in your family’s future.

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